Friday, April 24, 2009


Laziness is really a disease maybe a sickness, because I find my roommates SLEEPING or on the computer doing games and basically waste their time. I hate that, I used to think sleeping in was "cool" but I was just being lazy. Something clicked in me and now when its around 8 am I just wake up and do my cares, eat, then watch cnn, and spend like 30 minutes MAX on my computer, and do what I got to do. For example, I "lock in" or focus on something, recently playing around with a beat making program Fruity Loops Studio, or writing business ideas down, or write a screenplay for a movie. I can really do alot until my other staff comes @ 2, when its 2 I really like to talk to the staff that comes in and ask them whats for dinner and help with ideas of what to do after. Some days we go on walks, go shopping, go out to eat, grocery shopping, what ever is needed.

This really frustrates me when my roommates complain, wow they complain, they don't see that they are so lucky to live where they are. One time one complains about the food and they don't take the effort to go grocery shopping. WHY COMPLAIN IF YOU DON'T GO? its seriously dumb to complain about that.
Another time was when overnight staff had to stay 10pm until 2pm, a roommate had the courage to complain about that staff used 10 of those small medication cups for her 10 different meds, seriously it was his first overnight whats the big deal? atleast he DID medication.

I have really SHATTERED through my shell and have grown so much living at a group home, I don't regret that at all now.


  1. Kareem,

    As much as I hate to admit it, I'm very much like your roommate as far as computer usage goes. I'm on my computer for about 6-8 hours a day. The real sad thing is that 95% of that time I'm playing World of Warcraft. I used to make time to read and write, which are things that I really enjoy, but I have no motivation to do so anymore. I really don't like this about myself and I want to change it, but I don't know how. Perhaps there is hope for me because I'm able to see this problem. I could very easily use the fact that I live in a rehab hospital as an excuse to why I spend so much time on my computer playing World of Warcraft. If I put half of the energy I use on World of Warcraft into making more out of my life, I could probably achieve more than I realize.



  2. I used to play role playing games like a job, my friend said, what do you gain from being on this game? YOU DONT GAIN ANYTHING except pixels. WOW MY PIXELS LOOK SEXY! lol its funny.

  3. Kareem -- I hear you man. I have been going through similar struggles, but I feel good about my direction right now. It is very very important to get up, do something productive that you enjoy, and generally create positive energy and direction. At the same time, I know it can be hard, and sometimes you just want to go back to playing video games or watching TV all day, which isn't a bad thing every now and again -- like having a relaxed day -- but you do not want to get into the habit. I know you know this, Kareem, but I think it is important to repeat for all our friends.

    Thanks for sharing, inspiring, and educating.
